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Disagreements among staff are common and inevitable. Often they can be sorted out with a confidential chat facilitated by HR specialists or a confident line manager. But sometimes internal mediators are not seen as impartial. Staff may rush off to take out a grievance which can be lengthy, costly and emotionally damaging. That’s where a professional mediator can help, providing the safe space for the parties to talk openly and freely and reach resolution.

The average 2 party mediation takes one day and can be done either in person or online. It includes a private meeting for each individual to explore their issues and consider their goals and a joint meeting where they can discuss their differences and reach agreement.


Conflict is often a simple case of a lack of communication or a misunderstanding of expectations. I give people the time and space to explore their issues in a safe space and co-create a better way forward so they can perform at their best.  Do get in touch for a free confidential consultation. We can discuss exactly what’s going on and I can advise you on the best approach. 
