Working while in conflict with another member of staff can be tough. The dispute may not be overt it might just be something that is bubbling under the surface but it’s the little things, like a failure to reply to an email or return a call, that start causing problems. You still have to work with that person. The atmosphere is bad and is beginning to affect your work and even making you question if you want to come to work at all.
I can provide you with confidentiality and space to identify what is at the heart of the problem and evaluate solutions. I can equip you with practical tools and techniques to deal with the issue. You can then consider possible options and decide on the best way forward for you. An informed decision not an emotional reaction.
In my experience, it’s in having those conversations that you will find a better way forward. As the saying goes, from conflict comes creativity. I can support you and help you to grow and develop your conflict resolution skills in a safe space. Give me a call for a confidential free coaching session to see if you would like to work with me.